Former Pottsville students visit Physics students (photo)

Rachel Coyle and Aaron Mickonis, both 2015 PAHS graduates and current Penn State University Park sophomores, visited Mrs. Suzie Fredericks’ honors physics classes November 21 to talk about the engineering program at Penn State. When they were both students at PAHS, they took honors physics.

“Penn State is my first choice college,” senior Colin Williams said. “I got to ask questions about college life and the engineering program/classes one on one.”

Coyle majors in architectural engineering, while Mickonis majors in chemical engineering. Coyle and Mickonis are also apart of the Outreach program, which travels and talks to different schools about the engineering programs and what Penn State has to offer. Students received candy if they asked questions after the presentation.  

“It was wonderful to have Rachel and Aaron come back to PAHS to speak to my honors physics and AP Physics students,” Mrs. Fredericks said. “Rachel and Aaron are both pursuing careers in engineering, and engineers utilize physics principles every day to make the world a better place for us all.”