Student Spotlight: Aubrey Scanlan


Aubrey is 11 years old. Her birthday is November 17, 2006. She has two siblings. She has a sister who is 10 and a brother who is 9. Their names are Abraham and Lexie. Lexie does gymnastics and Abraham plays soccer for West Schuylkill FC Thunder and baseball for Quality Oil.S he has 2 hermit crabs, a dog named Finn, and a cat named Callie. Her favorite food and drink are pizza and Coke. She plays soccer for Pottsville Inferno and she is number 11. She also plays baseball for Quality Oil. She also plays for a 3 vs. 3 team with some of her Inferno friends. Her favorite sport to watch on tv is baseball. After school, she loves to play soccer. Her favorite subject is math. Her favorite color is orange. She loves to go to Wildwood, NJ for Beach Blast. Last year, Inferno got third place at Beach Blast. Her favorite brand is Nike. I hope you liked learning about my friend Aubrey Scanlan!