Teacher Tales: Mr. Maley

Although we have heard some of his motivating speeches or have gotten a fist bump in the hallway, many of us don’t know as much about our principal, Mr. Maley. Here are some interesting things about him.

Mr. Maley’s favorite color is blue because he has always been drawn to that color. You might see him wearing blue shirts and ties often around school. During his free time, he likes to play with his kids, Jack and Lila. Mr. Maley’s favorite food is pizza — especially pizza from Roma! Before being principal at DHHL, he was assistant principal here and also worked at Pottsville Area High School and St. Clair Area School District.

Professionally, Mr. Maley strives to make a big impact as principal. He really enjoys working with the teachers, students, and other staff members. His least favorite part of being principal is doing all the paperwork it involves.

Mr. Maley is the best principal on the planet, and I hope you’ll give him a fist bump next time you see him in the halls of DHHL!